Lazard Digital Health Fund J Dist GBP
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General Objective
The Lazard Digital Health Fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in equities and equity related securities of companies identified as Digital Health Companies, which are well positioned to benefit from innovative scientific and technological breakthroughs in the health care sector.
Fund Exposure
The Fund primarily invests in companies with greater than US$500m market capitalization at the time of purchase, typically holding between 20 and 40 such companies at any one time. It may also invest in China A-Shares and companies located in emerging markets. Additionally, the Fund may invest up to 10% of its value in units or shares of other investment funds, including exchange traded funds.
The Fund may be 'geared' or 'leveraged' due to its use of derivatives, which can lead to a proportionately larger movement in the value of the Fund's assets. Additionally, the Fund's currency exposures are substantially hedged back into USD, and it may invest in cash or cash equivalents as deemed appropriate in light of market conditions.