Lazard Global Equity Franchise Fund EA Acc USD
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General Objective
The Lazard Global Equity Franchise Fund seeks long-term, defensive returns by investing globally in a range of franchise companies. The Fund focuses on listed companies with predictable earnings and large competitive advantages.
Fund Exposure
The Fund is primarily exposed to equity investments in North America, Continental Europe, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Asia ex Japan. The sector breakdown includes significant allocations to Health Care, Utilities, Industrials, and Financials. The Fund also has exposure to Information Technology, Consumer Discretionary, Communication Services, and Consumer Staples.
Investors should be aware that there is no capital guarantee or protection of the Fund's value. The Fund may invest in emerging markets, which can be less developed and more volatile. Additionally, investing in other funds may subject investors to additional fees and expenses. Currency exchange rate fluctuations can also impact the performance of the Fund's unhedged share class.