Lazard US Small Cap Equity Fund EA Acc GBP
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General Objective
The Lazard US Small Cap Equity Fund aims to achieve capital appreciation over the medium to long term by investing in a well-diversified portfolio primarily comprised of equities and equity-related securities of smaller US companies.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to smaller US companies with market capitalizations ranging between US$250 million and US$10 billion, primarily investing in equities and equity-related securities quoted or traded on Regulated Markets in the United States. Additionally, the fund may invest in non-US companies, collective investment schemes, exchange traded funds, and listed REITs.
Investors should be aware that the fund may use derivatives for efficient portfolio management, and that the fund's performance is measured against the Russell 2000 Total Return Index. While the fund seeks to exceed the Benchmark performance, it is not constrained by the Benchmark and has flexibility to invest in securities and asset classes not included in the Benchmark.