MGTS Future Money Dynamic Growth Acc
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General Objective
The fund aims to provide capital growth and a total return after fees of at least the rate of inflation, measured by the UK Consumer Price Index (CPI), plus 3% per annum over any five-year period.
Fund Exposure
At least 70% of the portfolio will be invested in collective investment schemes across various economic sectors and geographic areas. The fund may also directly invest up to 30% in shares, bonds, cash, near cash instruments, investment trusts, REITs, and structured products. The overall exposure to shares will be between 40% and 85%, with bonds having a maximum exposure of 60%.
The fund may increase liquidity levels during periods of market overpricing or instability, potentially leading to higher cash or near cash instrument holdings. The fund is actively managed, meaning the manager's expertise is used to select investments rather than tracking an index, which may introduce additional risks.