MGTS SIIION Investment Fund - SIIION Adventurous Fund GBP Acc
ISIN GB00BMZQ3T66 / Valor null
NAV (2025-01-21)
GBP 1.27+1.93%
MGTS SIIION Investment Fund - SIIION Adventurous Fund GBP Acc
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General Objective
The objective of the Sub-fund is to provide capital growth, with the potential for income, over any 7-year period.
Fund Exposure
The Sub-fund will have an adventurous asset allocation providing exposure to a range of asset classes across any geographic area, with exposure to shares varying between 70% and 90%. Additionally, there may be exposure to alternative asset classes such as property and commodities, limited to 20%, with the balance of exposure to bonds and cash.
Investors should be aware that this Sub-fund may not be appropriate for those planning to withdraw their money within 7 years, as the investment objective is focused on capital growth over a 7-year period. Additionally, the use of derivatives and alternative asset classes may introduce additional risks to the Sub-fund.