Premier Miton Cautious Monthly Income Fund B Accumulation units
ISIN GB00B7T13474 / Valor null
NAV (2025-01-21)
GBP 2.01%
Premier Miton Cautious Monthly Income Fund B Accumulation units
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General Objective
The objective of the Fund is to achieve income and capital growth over the long term, with a minimum recommended holding period of five years. The Fund may not achieve this objective within any specific time period, and there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested.
Fund Exposure
The Fund is exposed to a diversified portfolio of global investments covering various asset classes, including equities, fixed income (bonds issued by governments and companies), cash, and cash deposits. Indirect exposure to property and commodities is also included through investments in property company shares and exchange traded funds. The Investment Manager assesses the economic environment to determine the attractiveness of different asset classes and maintains exposure to a broad range of underlying assets, with equities and fixed income making up the largest part of the Fund.
The Fund may invest in derivatives and forward transactions for efficient portfolio management, including hedging to offset the risk of other investments falling in price. Income generated from investments is distributed monthly through dividend distributions. The full investment objective and policy, along with eligible investments, are outlined in the Fund's prospectus. Buying, selling, and switching units in the fund can be done on any UK business day, with instructions needed before 12 noon to buy units at that day's price.