Robeco Emerging Stars Equities K $
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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve a better return than the index by investing in emerging countries equities worldwide. The selection of shares is based on fundamental analysis, focusing on companies with healthy business models, growth prospects, and reasonable valuations.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to a focused, concentrated portfolio with a small number of larger bets. It combines top-down country analysis and bottom-up stock selection to invest in emerging markets equities. The fund's exposure includes positions in South Korea, China, Indonesia, Mexico, and South Africa, while also avoiding internet companies like Tencent, Alibaba, and Meituan.
The fund faces risks associated with geopolitical events, such as the recent Russian invasion in Ukraine, which led to widespread sanctions against Russia and negatively impacted Russian equities. Additionally, exposure to companies with Russia and Ukraine ties in Hungary and South Africa contributed to underperformance. Commodity price fluctuations, global interest rate movements, and market volatility in emerging countries also pose risks to the fund's performance.