Robeco QI Dynamic High Yield IH $
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General Objective
The fund aims to provide long-term capital growth by offering diversified exposure to global high yield corporates through investments primarily in CDS index derivatives. The fund's performance is model-driven, taking active beta positions to adjust exposure within pre-defined risk limits.
Fund Exposure
The fund is characterized by its exposure to high yield corporates globally, with a focus on CDS index derivatives. The majority of selected bonds are components of the benchmark, but the fund can also select bonds outside the benchmark index. Currency risks are hedged, and the fund aims to outperform the benchmark over the long run while controlling relative risk through predefined limits.
The fund carries risks associated with the use of financial derivatives, potential counterparty failures, and issuer default on debt securities. Counterparty risk can be mitigated through collateral exchange, but the fund's pursuit of high yield bond returns via derivative instruments results in higher volatility compared to other fixed income funds. For a comprehensive overview of all risks, refer to the Risk considerations section within the prospectus.