Santander Select Moderate A
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General Objective
The objective of this Sub-Fund is to provide a non-guaranteed maximum volatility level of 10% an attractive level of return from a portfolio invested in a diversified range of fixed interest instruments and equities, listed or traded worldwide.
Fund Exposure
The Sub-Fund will invest in fixed income securities like Government Bonds and corporate bonds, equities of OECD public or private issuers, and may include investments in emerging countries. The equity exposure may vary from 20% to 60% depending on market conditions, with a focus on international corporate fixed income securities and limited participation in emerging markets.
Investors should be aware of risks such as Derivatives Risk, Market Risk, Interest Rate Risk, and Emerging Markets Risk. The fund's volatility level may result in changes in value over a short period of time, and investments in Emerging Markets may carry a higher degree of risk due to political and economic events.