Sarasin Responsible Global Equity Fund (Class I USD Inc)
ISIN GB00BK945C93 / Valor null
NAV (2025-01-16)
USD 15.34+1.39%
Sarasin Responsible Global Equity Fund (Class I USD Inc)
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General Objective
The fund seeks to provide long-term growth and income through investment in the shares of companies from across the world with an overlay of ethical (socially responsible) criteria.
Fund Exposure
The fund invests in shares which satisfy Sarasin’s thematic process and is not constrained by geography, sector, or style but manages risk through a variety of theme characteristics.
The fund is ranked at 5 in terms of potential risk and return, reflecting observed historical returns. Risks associated with the fund include counterparty and settlement risk, derivatives risk, emerging market risk, and charges deducted from capital which may reduce the potential for growth.