Sauren Global Stable Growth B
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General Objective
The Sauren Global Stable Growth fund primarily invests in other funds (fund of funds). The fund aims to achieve appropriate performance relative to the development of global equity markets, which are the main focus, as well as the development of bond markets. The fund is actively managed and the portfolio composition is regularly reviewed and adjusted by the fund manager within the defined investment limits.
Fund Exposure
The fund predominantly invests in equity-focused funds to participate in the long-term development of equity markets. It may invest globally in country or regional funds, as well as global funds. Additionally, the fund may invest in small-cap stocks, emerging markets, or specific sectors. In a minor capacity, the fund may also invest in funds focusing on equities and bonds (mixed funds), bonds, or convertible bonds. The fund may also invest in other assets to a lesser extent.
Investors should be aware that the fund's performance may be impacted by the selection of target funds and their managers, as well as the fund size. The fund retains earnings, and investors have the option to request the redemption of shares on a daily basis. However, the investment company may suspend redemptions in exceptional circumstances to protect investor interests.