Schroder QEP Global Core K1 Acc
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General Objective
The fund aims to provide capital growth and income in excess of the MSCI World (Net Total Return) Index over a 3 to 5 year period by investing in equities of companies worldwide.
Fund Exposure
The fund is actively managed and invests at least 80% of its assets in equities of companies worldwide, focusing on companies with "Value" and/or "Quality" characteristics. The fund's weight in a single country, region, or sector will typically be within 3% of the target index, while the weight of each security will typically be within 0.75% of the benchmark. The fund may also invest in other securities, countries, regions, industries, currencies, collective investment schemes, warrants, money market instruments, and hold cash. The fund may use derivatives to reduce risk or manage the fund more efficiently.
The fund's performance is assessed against the MSCI World (Net Total Return) Index, and the investment manager is limited to investing with reference to the composition of the benchmark. The fund may experience risks associated with investing in equities, including market risk, currency risk, and liquidity risk. Additionally, the use of derivatives may introduce additional risks to the fund.