Scottish Widows Balanced Income Portfolio P Acc
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General Objective
The fund aims to provide an income and potential capital growth by investing in a range of different asset classes, including fixed interest securities, shares, property, absolute return strategies, commodities, and cash-like investments.
Fund Exposure
The fund provides exposure to fixed interest securities (45-80%), shares (10-40%), and property (up to 17%). It may also invest in absolute return strategies, commodities, and cash. The fund may be actively or passively managed and may include up to 100% investment in funds managed or advised by Scottish Widows Unit Trust Managers or an associate. Derivatives may be used for efficient portfolio management.
The fund may be exposed to risks associated with fixed interest securities, shares, property, absolute return strategies, commodities, and cash investments. Additionally, the use of derivatives for investment purposes and stock lending by the funds in which the fund invests may pose additional risks. Investors should carefully consider the risk factors before investing in the fund.