Solventis Aura Iberian Equity R FI
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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve a return that closely tracks the performance of the IBEX 35 Net Return Index (85%) and the PSI Total Return Index (15%).
Fund Exposure
The fund will have a minimum exposure of 75% to equities, with at least 75% of this invested in issuers based in Spain and Portugal. The remaining equity exposure will be in issuers and markets from OECD countries. Additionally, the fund may hold significant positions in small-cap companies or those with low credit ratings, potentially impacting liquidity. The rest of the exposure will be in public or private fixed income assets, with a minimum of 50% of issuers rated BBB+ (S&P) or equivalent.
Investors should be aware that this fund may not be suitable for those looking to withdraw their investment within a timeframe of less than 5 years due to the potential volatility and liquidity risks associated with small-cap and low-rated equity investments.