SVS AllianceBernstein Sustainable US Equity Fund Class Z GBP Accumulation
ISIN GB00BL4SFD40 / Valor null
NAV (2025-01-16)
GBP 2.27+1.25%
SVS AllianceBernstein Sustainable US Equity Fund Class Z GBP Accumulation
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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve an increase in the value of its investment over a rolling 5-year period through an actively managed, diversified portfolio of shares in US companies that positively contribute to sustainable investment themes derived from the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Fund Exposure
The fund primarily invests in shares of US companies that positively contribute to environmentally or socially oriented investment themes derived from the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The current sustainable investment themes include Health, Climate, and Empowerment. The fund may also invest in Collective Investment Schemes and uses fundamental research, engagement, and analysis to identify companies aligned with the SDGs.
The fund's Risk and Reward Indicator table demonstrates its potential risk and reward profile. The higher the rank, the greater the potential reward but also the greater the risk of losing money. Past data may not be a reliable indication of the future risk profile of the fund.