Templeton Global Climate Change Fund W(acc)GBP
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General Objective
The Templeton Global Climate Change Fund aims to contribute towards climate change mitigation and adaptation as considered by the Paris Climate Agreement while increasing the value of its investments over the medium to long term.
Fund Exposure
The Fund pursues an actively managed investment strategy by investing in companies across all sectors worldwide that are good stewards of their impact on social and environmental development. It focuses on three categories of companies: solution providers, transitioning companies, and resilient companies. Additionally, the Fund can invest in units of other mutual funds and exchange traded funds, convertible securities or debt securities, and derivatives for hedging and efficient portfolio management.
Some of the risks associated with this fund include market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and ESG risk. Market risk refers to the potential for the value of investments to fluctuate due to market conditions. Credit risk is the risk of loss due to a borrower failing to make payments on time. Liquidity risk is the risk of not being able to sell an investment quickly at a fair price. ESG risk refers to the risk of investing in companies that do not meet environmental, social, and governance criteria.