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General Objective
The fund aims to generate long-term performance consistent with prevailing market indices for money market instruments denominated in the fund's currency. It is classified as a 'Money Market Fund' by the common European money market fund definition, with a diversified, high-quality portfolio of money market instruments.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to money market instruments denominated in the fund's currency, with no cross currency exposure anticipated. The portfolio's average residual term to maturity may not exceed one year. It invests in Euro Commercial Paper, Bonds/Notes, Liquidity, Deposits, and Floating Rate Notes.
The fund may be subject to volatility as it invests in money market instruments. Changes in interest rates can affect the value of the portfolio. The use of derivatives in the fund can reduce investor risks or give rise to market risks, as well as potential loss due to the failure of a counterparty. High-grade investment instruments in the fund are usually subject to low credit risk. Investors should consider their risk tolerance and capacity before investing in the fund.