Vontobel Fund - Euro Corporate Bond AI EUR
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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve the best possible investment returns in EUR through investing in the lower part of the EUR investment grade corporate debt universe. It is categorized as Article 8 SFDR.
Fund Exposure
The fund mainly invests in interest-bearing securities, money market instruments, and up to 10% each in contingent convertible bonds (CoCo-Bonds) and asset-backed securities or mortgage-backed securities (ABS/MBS). It focuses on securities with a lower investment grade rating, denominated in EUR, issued by public and/or private borrowers. The fund may use derivatives for achieving the investment objective and for hedging purposes.
The fund is not managed with reference to a benchmark, and the portfolio manager has full investment discretion within predefined limits. Currency hedging is done continuously but may not cover all currency risks, incurring costs that can reduce the share class' return. Transaction costs are payable for buying and selling securities, and redemptions of shares are daily when banks in Luxembourg are open for normal business. HR (hedged) shares are exclusively reserved for investors authorized based on staff regulations of a Vontobel company. ESG criteria contribute to the manager's decision-making process but are not a determining factor.