WAY Global Cautious Portfolio E Acc
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General Objective
The objective of the Fund is to achieve total investment return against the IA Mixed Investment 0-35% Shares sector over a 3 year rolling period. Capital invested in the Fund is at risk and there is no guarantee that the investment objective will be met over the specified period.
Fund Exposure
The Fund seeks to achieve its objective through conservative investment in an actively managed and diversified portfolio of collective investment schemes, investment trusts, other listed securities, cash or near cash, deposits, and money market instruments. It may invest up to 35% of its portfolio in equity securities and up to 20% in unregulated collective investment schemes. There are no restrictions on the underlying content of the investments held in terms of investment type, geographical or economic sector.
Investment in the Fund should be considered long-term, at least 5 years, as there is no guarantee that the objective of the Fund will be achieved. On encashment, particularly in the short-term, investors may receive less than the original amount invested. Additionally, various charges accrue daily, requiring an equivalent rise in the value of units before the original investment can be recovered.