Wellington US Dynamic Equity Fund USD EN Ac
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General Objective
The Fund seeks long-term total returns through a combination of actively managed equity securities of US companies and broad market exposure through an index future tracking the S&P500 Index.
Fund Exposure
The Fund is exposed to US equity securities with a focus on companies demonstrating earning growth at accelerating or high levels. It also includes broad market exposure through index futures tracking the S&P 500 Index, with a minimum of 10% of the fund composed of individual companies. The investment approach is based on changes in earnings expectations driving stock prices.
The Fund may be more volatile than more broadly diversified funds due to concentration in a relatively small number of securities, industry sectors, and/or countries. Derivatives are used for risk management and investment purposes, impacting performance. The Fund may not be suitable for investors planning to withdraw their money within five years due to potential currency exchange rate impacts on the Share class performance.