WS T. Bailey Multi-Asset Growth Fund S Income
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General Objective
The fund aims to deliver a real return of UK inflation (CPI) plus 4% per annum over Rolling Periods of 5 years after deduction of fees. While the objective is to outperform the CPI plus 4% per annum over Rolling Periods of 5 years, capital invested is at risk and there is no guarantee of positive returns.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to a range of asset classes, with typically at least 70% of the value of the Fund invested in other collective investment vehicles such as global equities, global debt securities, real estate, and commodities. The Fund is actively managed, focusing on growth opportunities and investment themes such as technology, healthcare, materials, and sustainability. The weighting of asset classes may vary based on the Investment Manager's views to achieve the investment objective.
Investors should be aware that the Fund may not be suitable for short-term investments (within 5 years) and should be viewed as a medium to long-term investment only. The Risk and Reward Indicator table demonstrates the potential risk and reward of the Fund, with a higher rank indicating greater potential reward but also greater risk of losing money. Past data may not be a reliable indication of the future risk profile of the Fund.