Elrond (EGLD) is a Decentralised Networks crypto coin. The coins can be earned through the process of staking and validating. Elrond`s origin block was generated on 2020-09-04. More information can be found at https://multiversx.com/.
Key Technical Advantages:
Genuine State Sharding: MultiversX uses state sharding to partition the blockchain and account state into multiple shards, which are handled in parallel by different participating validators. This approach improves scalability and reduces latency. Shard-splitting and shard-merging are done in a way that prevents overall latency penalties.
Secure Proof of Stake (SPoS) Consensus Mechanism: SPoS is an improved variation of Proof of Stake that ensures long-term security and distributed fairness while eliminating the need for energy-intensive Proof of Work algorithms. It incorporates a random selection mechanism and adds a rating factor to the stake factor to determine the probability of a node being selected in the consensus group.
Adaptive State Sharding: MultiversX features a dynamically adaptive sharding mechanism that enables shard computation and reorganizing based on necessity and the number of active network nodes. This technique ensures a balanced workload and reward for each node in the network and improves overall latency.
EVM Compliant Engine for Smart Contracts: MultiversX's smart contract solution offers an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compliant engine to ensure interoperability by design, allowing for seamless communication with external services.
Scalability and Performance: Preliminary simulations and testnet results show that MultiversX exceeds Visa's average throughput and achieves an improvement beyond three orders of magnitude or 1000x compared to existing viable approaches. The network also drastically reduces the costs of bootstrapping and storage to ensure long-term sustainability.
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