Candriam Sustainable Equity World R GBP Acc
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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve capital growth by investing in shares of companies with their registered office and/or principal activities worldwide, outperforming the benchmark. The investment process involves defining an eligible ESG universe and constructing a portfolio based on financial company fundamentals, ESG factors, and risk metrics.
Fund Exposure
The fund is exposed to a combination of positive selection of the best issuers based on ESG criteria, exclusion of issuers detrimental to sustainability objectives, and integration of climate-related indicators. The investment approach focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, achieving long-term positive impact on environment and social objectives, and outperforming the benchmark MSCI World (Net Return).
Investors should be aware of the significant risk associated with model risk, as the securities in the portfolio are selected based on quantitative models which may be less efficient or present deficiencies under certain market conditions. There is no guarantee or mechanism to protect capital, and historical data may not be a reliable indication for the future.