DB Fixed Income Opportunities GBP DPMDH
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General Objective
The DB Fixed Income Opportunities fund is a nonbenchmark investment fund that focuses on investing in fixed income instruments from developed and emerging markets, with a particular emphasis on corporate bonds. The fund aims to achieve a total return while maintaining a moderate level of volatility, making it suitable for investors seeking income from an actively managed global bond portfolio with the goal of medium to long-term capital preservation.
Fund Exposure
The fund's exposure includes a portfolio breakdown consisting of corporate bonds, financial bonds, government bonds, emerging markets corporates, emerging markets sovereigns, agencies, and other securities. The fund also maintains a diversified bond rating allocation, with a focus on credit quality and interest rate sensitivity to achieve its investment objective.
The risks associated with this fund include market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, and currency risk. Additionally, the fund's active management approach and use of derivatives may introduce additional risks related to market volatility and potential losses. Investors should carefully consider these risks before investing in the fund.