FTF ClearBridge US Equity Income Fund S Inc GBP
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General Objective
The Fund aims to grow in value through a combination of income and investment growth over rolling three to five year periods, after all fees and costs are deducted. There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its objective over this or any other time period. Capital invested is at risk, and investors may get back less than they paid in.
Fund Exposure
The Fund invests at least 70% of its assets in shares of US companies, typically in around 40-60 companies of any sector or industry. The Investment Manager seeks to select investments in companies that may maintain or increase dividends over the longer term, focusing on undervalued companies with a market capitalization of US$10 billion or above. The Fund may also invest in preference securities, convertible securities, debt securities, cash equivalents, money-market instruments, and other collective investment schemes.
The Fund may not invest more than 10% in other collective investment schemes, and no more than 20% of the Fund's assets can be invested in non-US companies. The Fund may use derivatives for efficient portfolio management, with the potential for more speculative use in the future. Additionally, the Fund assesses investee companies against environmental, social, and governance factors, adjusting exposures accordingly. The Fund will not invest in companies involved in the production, sale, or distribution of antipersonnel mines, cluster munitions, or companies generating 5% or more of their revenues from tobacco. Performance can be compared to the S&P 500 Index, reflecting similar asset investments.