MFS Meridian Funds - Managed Wealth Fund WH1 GBP
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General Objective
The fund is a global long/short equity fund that seeks to grow capital through strategic investments in three MFS equity strategies, moderate volatility relative to the overall equity market by adjusting equity market exposure, and manage against significant market declines.
Fund Exposure
The fund is diversified across equity markets through three established MFS strategies, with a net equity exposure of 87.7%. The top currency weights include the United States Dollar at 70.6%, Euro at 11.2%, Japanese Yen at 5.0%, Swiss Franc at 4.4%, and British Pound Sterling at 4.1%.
Investment in the fund may involve a high degree of risk, with the value of the fund being volatile and could decrease substantially in a short period of time. Investors should consider risks related to currency movements between their investing currency and the portfolio's base currency, as well as stock risk, derivatives risk, strategy risk, and allocation risk associated with the fund.