Premier Miton Responsible UK Equity C income
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General Objective
The objective of the Fund is to provide capital growth over the long-term, with a minimum recommended holding period of five years. However, there is a risk of loss to the original capital invested and the Fund may not achieve its objective within any specific time period.
Fund Exposure
A minimum of 80% of the Fund's assets are invested in UK companies, with up to 20% in other investments such as European and US companies, government and corporate bonds, convertible bonds, collective investment schemes, deposits, cash, and near cash. The fund managers focus on companies with a strong Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) profile, as well as those that align with long-term themes that have a positive impact on society and the environment.
The Fund may use derivatives, warrants, and forward transactions for efficient portfolio management, including hedging purposes. The use of derivatives is limited, and the Fund is actively managed within the boundaries outlined in its objective and policy. The full investment objective and policy, including eligible investments and types of investments to be avoided, are available in the Fund's prospectus.