R-co Target 2029 IG C EUR
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General Objective
The fund aims to achieve a performance net of fees linked to current yields on bonds maturing in 2029 by investing exclusively in "Investment Grade" securities. The average maturity of the portfolio will be between January and December 2029.
Fund Exposure
The fund is primarily exposed to debt securities, with a focus on bonds maturing in 2029. The portfolio consists of a diversified range of securities, including corporate bonds, financial bonds, and covered bonds. The fund is geographically diversified and invests in various sectors to achieve its investment objective.
Some of the risks associated with this fund include interest rate risk, credit risk, and market risk. Changes in interest rates can impact the value of the fund's fixed-income securities, while credit risk refers to the possibility of issuers defaulting on their debt obligations. Market risk arises from fluctuations in the overall financial markets, which can affect the fund's performance.